Early Bird Sign Up - July 2022

Here's What Happened at 

Epic Summit  

You'll Want in on

What We've Got Planned for YOU Next...

 "Quantum Prosperity for Your Epic Success"

Enter your details when you click on the red button below to get our insider early registration at $997.00! 

Because you're a "Woolah Challenge attendee" you can access the conference for $297

* Plus Bring a Friend for FREE!

Get Access to the Epic Lifer Breaking the Mold Facebook Group

and interact with the tribe immediately!

Sometimes a Quantum Shift is necessary to truly PROSPER!

You may find that life starts going good or things start really humming into the right prosperous direction...

then wham it's as if some gate that you can see through is right in front of you.

At the end of each day there's you with the knowing that 'there is more' and the reality of 'it's not here'.

It's like you're at the bottom of the mountain.

It is common and one of the most depressing feelings to be spinning in the same place as you have been and that's why I designed this NEW QUANTUM Epic Success day long conference. This one is to get you from the bottom up to a new peak. 

This is for you if:

*you're ready for a massive shift to cleanse those blocks, raise the gate and allow much more prosperity in

* your heart is in your business but there's something amiss

* you keep finding yourself creating from desperation

* sliding back into the problem

* your prosperity around health, income, business, or just manifesting is out of whack

* your mindset has gotten funky around your business

* sales has become a dread

* you have the tools but not the structure to implement

* you want to align your head and heart and business

* you're done with the industry of rah-rah and want the real teachings

* you know that you're on the precipice of greatness and need a bit of an energetic boost that is custom to you

* your energy is not communicating your authentic self so that you achieve the success you need

Achieving the Quantum Epic Success Requires:

Alignment. Mission. Money. Success. 

Mind, Body, Reframes, Energetics, and a Whole NEW Way of Managing Prosperity

This Epic event is THE lead-up to the premier event of the year for highly driven entrepreneurs, small business owners, and experts who are ready to integrate their drive, heart, mission and ideas to build a FEARLESS 6-7 Figure System. Within the three days you will be guided through a real LIFE CHANGE and energetic ALIGNMENT! 

This shift can only occur when you're led expertly through the place where you're currently stuck so that you ARRIVE Ready and In Action. You'll Create a REAL Business, Integrate Health Shifts that have been eluding you, Align Your Money and Mission where Your Heart is, and Experience Ease with Every Step Afterward. It Will Be A REAL Life YOU are proud of. Get Ready to Be Inspired, to build long term relationships, and to grow and prosper.

Your Best Next Step for YOU to Emerge, Monetize, Master Mindset. Mission. Success. Abundance.

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